Sense of belonging, which is typical of many cadres, officials, specialists, workers, young people in our organizations, however, we have the duty to recognize several colleagues, both for their commitment to the MINCIN and to the organization itself, and they are:
Mayra Cristina Cartaya Gonzáles- Incorporated into her working life within the system of the Ministry of Internal Trade on March 8, 1968, she was actively employed in the Directorate of Balance, deserving of the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal for her work results.
Manuel Alejandro Pernas Arce – Incorporated into the system of the Ministry of Internal Trade in 1982, founder of our organization, and for his work results he has been awarded the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal.
Ángela De las Mercedes Bazán Cedeño – Incorporated into the system of the Ministry of Internal Commerce in 1983, and for his work results he has been awarded the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal.
Marlene Noval Rivas, founder of our organization, recipient of the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal.
Marlenis Toyo Perez, incorporated into the system of the Ministry of Internal Trade in 1981.
Sonia Batista Rivero, incorporated into the system of the Ministry of Internal Trade in 1986, founder of our organization.
Anibal Asin Miranda – Incorporated into the System of the Ministry of Internal Commerce in 1984, founder of our organization, and for his work results he has been awarded the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal.
Guido Acosta González -Incorporated to the system of the Ministry of Internal Trade in 1988, founder of our organization, and for his work results he has been awarded the Fernando Chenard Piña Medal.